Author: Cory Keslow, Manager, Consulting
This past week, the NFL gave players the opportunity to support their causes through the second year of the My Cause, My Cleats campaign. The campaign allows players from all 32 teams to break uniform code for one game and wear brightly-colored, customized cleats to show support for a cause important to them. Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP 60) was honored to have two player ambassadors of FUTP 60 – Barry Church (Jaguars) and Virgil Green (Broncos) – support the program this year.
Barry Church supported Fuel Up to Play 60 for the second year in a row. Barry has been involved with the program for over 3 years and previously played for the Dallas Cowboys where he served as their FUTP 60 player ambassador from 2015 – 2017. Barry unveiled his FUTP 60-inspired cleats at an appearance at Hyde Park Elementary School in Jacksonville, Florida on November 28th. Team Services’ Consulting Manager, Marissa Paulsen, was on-site in Jacksonville, FL to assist with the My Cause, My Cleats event with Barry. Marissa worked directly with him and his agent in coordination with the Dairy Council of Florida for a fantastic school event where students received their very own pair of Nike cleats.
![Barry Church_with Kids.jpg](
![Barry Church Cleats.jpg](
![Barry Church_FUTP 60 Kids.jpg](
Virgil Green supported FUTP 60 for the first time. Virgil drew inspiration for his cleat design through a school contest Western Dairy Association ran in the Denver market which asked students to design a FUTP 60 themed cleat that Virgil could use as inspiration for his own design. Virgil selected the contest winner’s design and worked with a cleat designer to the design his own cleats.
As the sports marketing agency for Dairy Management Inc., (DMI), Team Services continues to provide premier service to its client, selecting the appropriate talent for NFL player ambassadors and negotiating the player endorsements, leading to longstanding partnerships such as Barry Church. Team Services also continues to strategically negotiate and activate DMI’s partnership with the NFL.
See below for videos from both Virgil Green's and Barry Church's My Cause, My Cleats support!